Program Design + Evaluation
It is the process that organisations use to develop a program. Ideally, the process is collaborative, iterative, and tentative—stakeholders work together to repeat, review, and refine a program until they believe it will consistently achieve its purpose.
A program design is also the plan of action that results from that process. Ideally, the plan is developed to the point that others can implement the program in the same way and consistently achieve its purpose.
The more energy, creativity, and hard work that goes into program design, the greater the chances that a program will succeed.
Program evaluation is an organized effort to understand how effective a program is and how it can be made more effective. It can be undertaken in a formative manner that supports the program design processes. Or it can be undertaken in a summative manner that measures the effectiveness of a design as implemented in a given context. Typically, program evaluation shifts from formative to summative, and from informal to rigorous, as the program design process advances. More Here
Community Consultation
Strategic Alignment Considerations
Development Commission
Department of Communities
Local Government
Health Organisaitons
Justice + Correction Services
Schools/Education Institutions
Community organisations
Consultation Resources
Setting Priorities
Make it Better
The Creative Tool Box is designed for self-directed learning and development, to assist you in growing your personal and professional skills as you see fit. It is a free and democratic resource that adapts as the creative landscape changes; the sections and links you see are just examples of what is possible.
We invite everyone to build upon this current structure, to make the Creative Tool Box a state-wide go-to for all artists and arts workers seeking development and for anyone considering a career in the arts. All ideas, feedback or content suggestions are warmly welcomed through the Make It Better contributors portal.